Popliteal fossa anatomy pdf orthopedic

We present a case of a 63yearold male who presented with a retained knife blade in the popliteal fossa. Popliteal fossa block this outpatient procedure numbs the lower leg with an injection of local anesthesia. It is also important to note the anatomy of the popliteal fossa when. The popliteal artery, a branch of the femoral artery, enters the popliteal fossa by passing under the semimembranosus muscle. Bilateral popliteal artery injuries were present in two patients. The popliteal fossa contains the popliteal vessels, the tibial and the common peroneal nerves, the termination of the small saphenous vein, the lower part of the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve, the articular branch from the obturator nerve, a few small lymph glands, and a considerable quantity of fat. Anatomy popliteal fossa and knee flashcards quizlet. A patient s guide to popliteal cysts central orthopedic group. A cystic mass in the popliteal fossa and its differential. Pdf anatomy, function, and rehabilitation of the popliteus. Popliteal fossa block southern california orthopedic institute.

Back of thigh and popliteal fossa it extends from lower part of gluteal region to back of knee joint up to popliteal fossa. Of or relating to the hollow part of the leg behind the knee joint. This article covers the anatomy of the posterior knee and popliteal fossa, the surgical approach and the common pathologies encountered in the posterior knee and popliteal fossa. As it gives passage for primary vessels and nerves from the thigh to the leg, this fossa has great anatomical significance. Patient had large open wound on lower leg with laceration of semimembranosus, semitendinosus and gracilis as well as a laceration of the popliteal vein. The muscles of the gluteal region are specialized to bear weight and maintain the horizontal balance of the pelvis. Popliteal fossa block reading, pa orthopedic surgeon.

Popliteal fossa definition the popliteal fossa is a diamondshaped intermuscular space situated at the back of the knee. The popliteal fossa borders contents teachmeanatomy. Anatomy of the popliteal fossa orthopaedic principles. Department of orthopaedic surgery, university of louisville, louisville, ky. Patient presented after an assault complaining of left knee pain and inability to flex his knee. Normally, our surgeons dont do any vascular repair.

Gross anatomy of common peroneal nerve, superficial peroneal nerve, deep peroneal nerve animation duration. Popliteal fossa block typically, it is used for surgery on the lower leg, ankle and foot. Thus appropriate imaging and analysis is crucial in. Management of traumatic popliteal vascular injuries in a. Clinical applications and outcome of proximally based medial. The popliteal fossa is a diamond shaped area found on the posterior side of the knee. In the floor adductor magnus and vastus lateralis lies. The fossa is most prominent when the knee joint is flexed. A strain of one or more of the distal hamstring tendons is the most likely culprit.

Prof nabil ebraheim, university of toledo, ohio, usa popliteal fossa is a shallow depression located at the back of the knee joint, bounded by biceps femoris superolaterally,semimembranosus and semitendinosus superomedially. It is the main path in which structures move from the thigh to the leg. Popliteal definition of popliteal by the free dictionary. Instant anatomy upper limb areasorgans popliteal fossa. May 18, 2016 popliteal fossa maj dr poonam singh dept of anatomy naihs slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising.

The popliteal fossa is also composed of nerves posterior femoral cutaneous, common peroneal and tibial, vascular structures small saphenous vein, popliteal artery and popliteal vein, bursae, lymph nodes, and fat. Softtissue popliteal masses can be evaluated using physical examinations and imaging studies, such as computed tomography ct or magnetic resonance imaging mri. However, it is relatively common for a candidate in final professional examinations to be asked to describe the posterior approach to the knee joint, with reference to the relationship of major vessels and nerves. Popliteal fossa block reading, pa orthopedic surgeon the bone and joint care center provides personalized medical care with cutting edge technology enabling high quality orthopedic outcomes. Popliteal fossa pathology encompasses relatively common entities such as baker cysts to eh uncommon, such as popliteal fossa entrapment and soft tissue masses. Orthopedic telemedicine visits now available for current and new patients. The popliteal fossa is a shallow depression located at the back of the knee joint. The basis of any surgical discipline and radiological imaging is structural anatomy. Musculoskeletal and vascular pathology of the popliteal fossa. The requirement to use the posterior approach to the knee is uncommon, and many orthopaedic surgeons may not be familiar with the surgical anatomy. Apr 15, 2020 because of this, popliteal abscesses usually spread superiorly and inferiorly from the popliteal fossa. A popliteal cyst may form after damage to the joint capsule of the knee. It continues superiorly and laterally, forming a long. Popliteal fossa orthopaedicsone articles orthopaedicsone.

Anatomy lectures by dr deepak agarmor in this video you will learn anatomy of popliteal fossa in hindi. Any information contained in this pdf file is automatically generated from digital material submitted to. Popliteal fossa, also known as the popliteal space, is located behind the knee joint. Popliteal fossa syndrome advanced therapy institute.

This may produce a palpable pulsation, a thrill, or an abnormal arterial sound, a bruit. Anatomy of the popliteal fossa boundaries of the popliteal fossa and anatomy of the posterior knee. Popliteal fossa syndrome the popliteal fossa syndrome is a pain syndrome of unknown cause or etiology. Twenty patients had combined ipsilateral popliteal arterial and venous injuries. A patient afflicted with the popliteal fossa syndrome will complain of a great deal of pain behind that knee, usually describing it as a feeling of great pressure and swelling. Knee joint and popliteal fossa 43 the knee joint is a synovial hingetype joint between the femur and tibia.

Anatomy lectures by dr deepak agarmor in this video you will learn anatomy of popliteal. Feb 29, 2016 in this video we go over an important junction in the lower extremity. Popliteal fossa, also known as the popliteal space, is located. Considerable overlap exists in the presentation of these entities, yet the clinical course and treatment vary considerably. Jun 11, 2016 knee joint and popliteal fossa the knee joint is a synovial hingetype joint between the femur and tibia. Pdf anatomical approach to clinical problems of popliteal fossa. Jun 12, 2010 it is also important to note the anatomy of the popliteal fossa when evaluating posterior knee pain. The popliteus tendon is an important cause of posterior knee pain. The bones of the popliteal fossa are the femur and the tibia. The popliteal fossa sometimes referred to colloquially as the knee pit, or poplit is a shallow depression located at the back of the knee joint.

Some of its distal fibers are interconnected with fascial fibers. Popliteal fossa block southern california orthopedic. A strain of the tendinous origins of one of the gastrocnemius heads may also be at fault. The lower extremity vessels injured are listed in table 2. Popliteal fossa is a diamondshaped hollow found on the rear side of the knee joint. Each head of the muscle has a reliable and consistent axial blood supply through a single dominant vascular pedicle arising from sural artery in the popliteal. There is a wide variety of variant vascular anatomy and vascular pathology that can occur around the knee, including an aberrant anterior tibial artery, vascular trauma that occurs with knee dislocation, popliteal artery entrapment syndrome, popliteal artery aneurysm, popliteal vein thrombosis, cystic adventitial. The popliteal artery branches off to form five genicular arteries, which supply the ligaments and capsule of the knee joint. Typically, it is used for surgery on the lower leg, ankle and foot. This region can develop many clinical complications in the vascular, nervous, lymphatics, adipose. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Repair of a large traumatic laceration to the popliteal fossa. Bhanu prakash usmle, fmge and neet pg 42,295 views.

Pain in the popliteal fossa can also be due to a popliteal aneurysm, an abnormal dilation of the popliteal artery. The popliteal fossa or space is a lozengeshaped space, at the back of the kneejoint. It travels through the fossa inferolaterally before entering the posterior compartment of the leg. The cutaneous nerve supply of the skin over the popliteal fossa is the posterior. Laterally it is bounded by the biceps femoris above, and by the plantaris and the lateral head of the gastrocnemius below. Instant anatomy is a specialised web site for you to learn all about human anatomy of the body with diagrams, podcasts and revision questions. A popliteal cyst, also known as a bakers cyst, is a fluidfilled swelling that causes a lump at the back of the knee, leading to tightness and restricted movement. Mri of the knee is often performed for presumed musculoskeletal conditions. This article envisages clarifying the basics of lower limb anatomy with focus on the gluteal region, posterior thigh and the popliteal fossa. Anatomy and contents of the popliteal fossa courtesy. Anatomical approach to clinical problems of popliteal fossa. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Jan 15, 2014 a quick tutorial outlining the borders, contents and clinical relevance of the popliteal fossa.

Anatomy the popliteal fossa is located behind the knee joint and is formed by the femur and tibia bones. Anatomy popliteus musculotendinous complex the popliteus muscle is a thin, flat, triangular muscle that forms part of the floor of the popliteal space. The popliteus has a wide attachment on the posteromedial tibial surface proximal to the soleal line, forming the floor of the popliteal fossa. Jul 14, 2015 a cystic mass arising in the popliteal fossa can be either a meniscal cyst, a synovial cyst bakers cyst, or a ganglionic cyst.

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